The process of alchemy is one of transmutation; from one expression of a substance to a more valuable and desirable form. The alchemy of language transforms words that once walked, into words that take flight and soar, taking their readers with them.
As a writer, I can work with you to evolve your business messaging (whether it’s through web copy, newsletters, blogs, press releases, social media posts, adverts, flyers) by helping you clarify and build your business story narrative, making it uniquely your own.
How effectively your marketing story moves others depends on its inherent authenticity, it’s clarity and ability to awaken inspiration in your audience to buy the products or services you’re selling.
What qualities of discernment drive the words you choose to use? Do you know how to create a power lexicon of signature words and phrases that resonate with the truth of who you are and accurately reflect the intention and purpose of your business?
Once you’ve established these key elements, they will infuse your marketing messages, fueling them with new energy. Everything you say aligns, has coherence and consistency and your business begins to grow in presence and authority.
My writing services are for you if your business is owner-run, purpose-driven and: